понедельник, 8 октября 2012 г.


Byline: Compiled from Post news services

Jose Canseco claims 85 percent of major league baseball players are taking steroids.

''There would be no baseball left if they drug-tested everyone today,'' he said Friday during an interview with Fox Sports Net.

Canseco, who announced his retirement earlier in the week, refused to say if he took steroids.

''It's completely restructured the game as we know it,'' he said. ''That's why guys are hitting 50 or 60 or 75 home runs.''

During an interview with the Associated Press on Friday, Canseco refused to answer questions about steroids use, saying he would give details in a book he is writing.

''Basically what it's going to be is the true story of my life - good and bad, the ups and downs,'' Canseco said. ''I'll name names and discuss basically everything and everybody involved in it. There are a million things I could talk about.''

BLACK DIES - Joe Black, the Brooklyn Dodgers right-hander who became the first black pitcher to win a World Series game, died Friday of prostate cancer.

Black, 78, beat the New York Yankees in Game 1 of the 1952 World Series, five years after teammate Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier. Black also lost twice in the series. He pitched for the Reds in 1955 and '56.

SABATHIA ROBBED - Cleveland Indians pitcher C.C. Sabathia was robbed at gunpoint early Friday morning at a downtown hotel by a group of men, who stole his necklace, earrings and wallet.

''It's a life-altering situation,'' a shaken, but uninjured Sabathia said. ''It was totally my fault. There's nobody to blame but me.''

Indians assistant general manager Neal Huntington said Sabathia and a cousin went back to the Marriott Hotel with a group of people they had met at a nightclub. As Sabathia, 21, and a cousin were getting ready to leave, two or three men pulled guns, Huntington said.